From the Home Loans Dept

Well, we made it.  Hand on heart we are the fastest growing mortgage group in country!  So, on behalf of myself, Gopal, Kate, Robyn and Tara, a big thank you for making 2019 such a stellar success.  We couldn't have done it without your help. Just in case it's escaped your notice, these are just some of the things we've accomplished this year: on-boarded and accredited well over 150 individual mortgage Advisers (yes, 150+)! rolled out a unique fee model that encourages your business to grow provided accreditation access to 28 lenders received confirmation from ANZ and BNZ that you

2019-12-18T12:39:07+13:00Wednesday 18 December, 2019|Blog|

Countdown to Christmas – 21 days to shop!

We are all getting excited about a well-earned Christmas break.  The team at Newpark have worked hard this year to bring you quality learning opportunities, regular licencing communications to help you understand your obligations, Headspace, Conference and a number of webinars to motivate your progress towards securing your future as an Adviser.  All of this in addition to the regular work we have tried to sustain for you. As I've heard many of you are leaving for your break soon, I wanted to take an early opportunity to say we have absolutely loved every minute of getting to know many of

2019-12-04T08:28:39+13:00Wednesday 4 December, 2019|Blog|
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