Adviser Service Support Team
Insurance ready support
Newpark has 3 levels of support plan or you can tailor it to specific duties that you want.
Platinum includes reports/statement of advice and quoting support along with reviewing applications to be submitted, follow ups, meeting packs and policy amendment letters.
Premium includes process pipeline administration for claims, underwriting & complaints as well as client follow ups for requirements, daily inbox management and updating your client summaries.
Intermediate has more of the admin support for scanning apps to providers and to you, uploading records to your you CRM including scans, emails & debriefs, appointment booking and arrears follow ups, letter drafting and commission inputting.
We also have a one-off Compliance Process Review option to check your forms and processes are FMA ready or to help get you there.
Plus, you can mix and match any of these benefits and more!

Let us get you a spare pair of hands where you need it most
- Records, filing, scanning
- Reports & quoting
- Appointments & paperwork
- No employment headaches
- No salary, tax or ACC liabilities
- No 90-day period

QuoteMonster to individual provider software; from adviser notes/checklists.
From adviser research or notes: create statement/report for adviser to review before client meeting.
Generate letters of amendment, cancellation, ownership with correct ownership.
Provider & client calls: follow up requirements/expedite.
Compile Disclosure, scope, letters, apps, client summaries.
Check completed (incl agency). Call client for missing info.
Case by case once Newpark offers this or redraft advisers.
Create process, CRM/Excel register, feedback email.
Map individualized process (IMap/drag & drop/upload/scanning/Folders or CRM).
Walk adviser through each step from FSP registration to FMA licensing application. Full registration to follow.
One off or regular file reviews. Random client files reviewed for compliance: access, records content, advice and documentation.

Create or update client insurance summaries before meetings, after issuing, at adjustments or as requested.
Contact clients to follow up outstanding forms, queries, UW questions, medicals, financials requirements.
First check policy in force, coverage (i.e. specialists) and if claimed condition is covered. Sending claim forms/links to clients with claims process email. Follow up forms from client and follow up claims department weekly. Add each to a claims register (excel/CRM).
Manage cases submitted. Calling providers for updates, calling clients for requirements, considering alternative provider or coverage options as excluded, argue terms.
Manage complaints. Add to complaints register and manage timelines for responses. Collation of data may be requested.
Intermediate Service: By adviser direction but including: Move suspected spam to folders, mark client queries as urgent, categorise email colours,
Premium Service: send response emails to clients if there will be a delay. Possibility of covering adviser’s inbox while on leave.

Ensure agency number is included. Scan apps to PDF. Sent to correct providers. CC adviser.
Compile email for client with apps, disc statement, blurb to check it for nondisclosure, ACC/GP notes check and adviser auto signature.
This may be IMAP/Drag & drop/Upload/Folder System depending on CRM. Copies of scanned documents and emails to be copied/moved here for record keeping.
From Scopes/Apps or client emails update new contact details, name changes, relationship changes, occupations, and any information that they give – children/hobbies.
- Existing clients this may be from a request or list generated by adviser, at renewal or on client contact.
- New clients this may be following up cold calls from campaigns, book purchases or referrals from existing clients – in a timely and welcoming manner.
Contact client with amounts and company. Follow up with provider if payment history requested. Send client provider details (fid/Nib do not take from client) or CC form/DD if need update accounts. Change payment cycle with provider if this is the issue an instruct if to take arrears now or at next pay cycle.
Load commission amounts into adviser commission sheets and/or file statements i.e. into email folder.
Draft dictated letter to client as requested by adviser or client. This may be a meeting request, update, underwriting request, issuing of new business. Letter or email formats.
Draft dictated letter to client as requested by adviser or client. This may be a Christmas or birthday greeting, business update/newsletter, marketing or book purchase. Letter or email formats. Mail merge/client list/address labels may be required by admin.
File the debrief form meetings. Broker may send an email to you directly after meeting, to the client and you cc’d in, record this and email you the MP3 or the Dictaphone device. File copy into client record. Likely need to be renamed as Debrief Date and Client Name.
Updating records, renewal figures, changes as above (address/name/family splits).
Managing data quality, linking joining double ups in the systems, running reports (birthday/clients) and updates as above.
If mail is returned RTS, contact client for updated address and request phone number/email update if possible. Update CRM and resend letter.